Miss Stephanie
Dear single submissives,

I realize that the search for the dominant of your dreams is sometimes a long, and frustratingly uphill battle. I can’t wiggle my nose and make all your fantasies materialize, leather-clad and trailing a whip, but maybe I can help you a little bit in your search. First of all, it’s really nice for a prospective partner to be able to see a photo of you. If you have a web cam, you can pretty easily have a picture. Here’s how:
  1. Start your web cam in messenger, but don’t invite anyone.
  2. Find the print-screen key on your keyboard ("prt scrn" on mine) and have your finger on it, but don’t push the button.
  3. Pose for the camera, or just sit there and look stupid, or whatever, but I suggest looking mildly attractive. *wink* Oh, and don’t point the camera at your crotch. Really. If someone wants to see a picture of your crotch, and you’re willing to show them one, let them ask for it.
  4. Hold your pose and hit that button.
  5. Open your favorite graphics/photo editing program (if you don’t have one, go to Start>Programs>Accessories>Paint).
  6. Press Ctrl+V (paste).
  7. You’ll see an image that looks just like your desktop did at the moment you pressed the button. Crop it down to just the "picture" in the web cam display window.
  8. Save the file as a jpeg image, and voilĂ ! A picture of you, ready for upload.

Secondly, an introductory email speaks better of you when you use complete sentences and are attentive to spelling, punctuation, and capitalization, etc. For example, it’s much more important to capitalize the beginning of the sentence than it is to capitalize words like "You" or "i", as some prefer to do. Where spelling is concerned, if it’s not your strong suit, use a spell-checker. I realize that some websites don’t have one built into the email interface, but you can download one that will work on almost any site. Make a point to note the places where your spelling was incorrect, and practice using the proper spellings. Punctuation is important as well, and especially when you come to the end of a sentence. Remember that this moment is your one chance to portray the expression behind your words. If you’re asking a question, for example, the recipient of your email would immediately know it, because there’s a question mark (?) at the end.

Another thing to pay attention to is your grammar. Some may argue with me on this point, but if you’re unsure, I suggest writing things just like you’d say them. If you’re more likely to say, "Me and my sister are going out to eat at 6," then write it that way. There’s no point in writing, "My sister and I are going out to eat at 6," if you’re not going to practice the same grammar when you’re actually speaking to the person. It’s obviously beneficial to be correct, but more important, in my opinion, to be real. If you want to improve your grammar, practice good grammar in your speech and your writing. If someone you’re corresponding with points out an error, make a point to absorb what you’ve learned and then put it into practice. (If someone takes the time to help you in this way, it’s nice to thank them.)

I can’t speak for your personality, play experience, or BDSM lifestyle qualifications, but I can hopefully help you better convey them to a prospective dominant. I truly wish you success in your search.

Miss Stephanie

p.s. If you’re looking for a good spell-check program, I recommend one called ieSpell. It’s free, which is also nice. If you need a picture, but don’t have a digital camera, scanner, or web cam, take a snapshot of yourself to any Kinko’s location. They’ll scan it for you and put it on a disk.

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